2024 2025 - Application of 1st Substitute Quotas for International Students

The placement applications of 1st Substitute Quotas of the international students of our university will start on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 and continue until Friday, August 9 , 2024  (23:59). Placement results will be announced on Friday, August 16, 2024 .



- The application to be made to the university as an international student candidate will be made individually on the website of the center (ulmer.dpu.edu.tr). In order to apply, the application and evaluation fee (1,100 TL) must be paid at the time of logging in to the application system via the online banking system. (This fee has been determined by the relevant boards of the University. The fee is non-refundable in any way.)

- In order to apply, the documents required for the application must be uploaded online to the application system. A candidate can make a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 5 choices. (EE and EP: Means Evening Education Program). Applications with missing documents will not be evaluated. If the candidate is admitted to the University, the original copies of all uploaded documents will be requested from the candidate during registration at the University.

- The score types to be used in the placement are evaluated by converting them into score system out of 100. If the placement score is equal in the evaluation, the candidate with the higher diploma score is preferred; and if the diploma score is equal, the candidate with the younger age is preferred.

- The international student candidate who has the right to be placed must personally visit to the International Relations and International Student Center Student Affairs with the documents required for final registration from Friday, August 09 2024 until Friday, October 11, 2024 and have to register. In addition, applicants from visa-required countries must have a valid visa covering the relevant dates at the time of registration. Applicants who do not come to our center within the specified dates and do not have a valid visa will not be registered at the University.

- The candidate must come to the registration in person. Candidates who is not able to come in person can also register through a person that received power of attorney from candidate from Turkish Notaries and/or Turkish Consulates. Registration procedures are carried out by the Center.

- Click here for international student quotas of our university.

- Please click here for our university's Academic Calendar for International Students (Application and Admission).

- Click here for Accepted Score Types and Placement Score Calculation Formula.

- International Students Office: Phone Number: +90 274 443 1790 / E-mail: iso@dpu.edu.tr

It is the candidates' own responsibility to ensure that the documents uploaded through the application system and the information provided are complete and accurate. The information provided in the applications is considered to be correct. Candidates whose documents uploaded during evaluation and registration or at a later date are found to be inconsistent with the original copy of their documents, or who are found to have provided misleading, false information or forged documents will be de-registered.

** Base score is applied for the departments of Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Architecture. (Those with a Placement Score below 55 will not be able to choose the faculties in question.)

*** Country based quota will be applied for all departments.

**** Students who are entitled to settle in our university must complete their missing documents within 1 year if they register with missing documents among the documents required for final registration. The registration of the student who does not submit the necessary documents for registration within the deadline is deleted and the student cannot claim any rights for this reason.

***** Faculty of Sports Sciences and Faculty of Fine Arts (except Visual Communication Design and Jewelry Design and Manufacturing Departments) are the faculties that admit students through Special Talent Exam. Preferences for these programs will be opened for candidates who are successful in the exam after the Special Talent Exam (Wednesday, September 11, 2024).






Last Update Date: 10 July 2024, Wednesday